Some days, months, or even years can feel really hard compared to others.
When I have hard days or seasons, I try to look back in my history of hard times & realize, I have always come out stronger & wiser & it’s when I typically grow the most.
✨When I look back on my life, those darkest times were later followed by big growth spurts.
💛 I say this to you in case you’re going through a hard season of life that just feels crappy.
✨Please know this time is temporary, it will get better! Allow a little sparkle of hope in there. And do not allow yourself to play the comparison game.
Give yourself some grace as you navigate this time. Surround yourself with support when you can & avoid energy drains. You’ll soon be out the other side, I promise.
💛 In the meantime, I invite you to get curious… ask yourself
How can you grow from this? How can you evolve from this experience?
Who do you want to be once you graduate from this tough experience?
Is there any way this experience has helped you grow? How?
These Q’s have helped me on my journey, & when I finally come out of my cocoon of struggle, I feel such a sense of growth, relief & freedom- a new person. 🦋
I know the same is true for you, no matter what stage of life you’re in.
✨The best is yet to come, my friend!
👉🏼PS. I have a few announcements for free resources:
1) In my women’s empowerment coaching practice I have opened up some spots if you’d like a free consult for additional support!
2) I have a YouTube channel where I’ve been posting empowerment videos every Wednesday the last few months, called Wildflower Wednesdays w/ Shell, come check it out- (I’m at WildflowerStudio),
3) Lastly I have a free women’s empowerment circle called Thrive Like A Wildflower on FB– link is
💛Exciting things in the works- I am creating a course on Creating More Confidence (to release fear of judgement, imposter syndrome & perfectionism) since it’s the # 1 topic my coaching clients need help with! I’ll put a link to sign up to be the first to know when it’s available!
Sending lots of love & light your way!
xo Shell

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