What’s your morning routine like? In my Women’s Goal/ Intention Setting & Accountability Mastermind group I lead we recently chatted about the importance of morning routines & shared what we are doing & what is working for us & how it sets the stage for our day.
It was really interesting to see how different we all are & what we need to do to feel productive & happy. ✨For me personally, one of my non-negotiable morning rituals is my morning meditation. It 100% changes my day, and those days I’ve had to skip it for whatever reason has really felt off for me. I can’t tell you how much more grounded & connected I feel to my purpose & so much gratitude I feel from this practice. Others shared how their morning routine must is their morning workout, while others shared about quiet time alone journaling the day’s intentions.
✨Morning routines are personal & yours to create however you like to set you up for success & confidence!
👉🏼One tip I suggest is to write it down & schedule it in your planner to help keep yourself accountable. Schedule it so you actually do it.
For me having it scheduled makes all the difference. Question: Do@you have a morning routine? If so- what’s one non-negotiable part of your routine?
Please share in the comments! 🙏💫
👉🏼PS. If you are interested in joining my next Goal & Intention Setting Mastermind Group please let me know! Spaces are limited. It’s positive, inspiring & fun! I have watched people take their small & big goals & turn them into reality! It’s been so amazing to watch! Feel free to message me with any questions at all. And if you prefer to work with me one on one, I’d love to help you on your journey to personal empowerment. message me for details 💫
In love & light, Shell

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